In a world where we encourage people to BE WHO YOU ARE…
I find it curious when people are offended vocal fry. Posts are scattered about social media among my voiceover colleagues about how they “hate” vocal fry. I see them at least once a week.
Why are people hatin’ on the fry?
It seems they’re most annoyed by the likes of the Kardashians. Now, I don’t pay attention to the Kardashians (but I have watched/listened to understand vocal fry). And yes, sometimes, it’s a bit much.
I’ve also watched videos of speech professionals and linguists explaining the phenomenon of vocal fry and how it’s caused by a lack of breath/air support to cause the vocal folds to bang together in a different way. Click here to watch a video about the scientific explanation (and lol the speech pathologist literally has vocal fry without even trying).
She explains there is actually THERAPY for this.
Honestly, I don’t really notice it as a pervasively annoying trait.
Maybe that’s because I come by it naturally. Keep in mind, I have years upon years of vocal training, both speaking and singing.